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Property Vesting Information Data

Ownership. Transfers. Conveyance.

ATTOM’s Vesting Data Smooths Property Transference

Property Vesting Data—the title arrangements on a property-has important implications. How buyers vest can have financial and emotional consequences affecting the parties involved. ATTOM’s vesting details ensure that real estate professionals, buyers, and lenders are enlightened and best prepared in dealing with the owner or owners to offer services in respect to their standing.

Property Vesting Data Adds Context to Complex Situations

Is a property title to be held by a single individual, a married individual, a trustee, or joint ownership with rights of survivorship? What is the current vesting situation for a property of interest? ATTOM’s vesting details provide answers to the property title questions of lenders, brokers, and real estate professionals.

  • Owner vesting details provide clarity.

Real estate transactions can be complex. Knowing the facts about title ownership can bring clarity and direction to business and finance decisions.

  • Title holding is a critical factor in property transactions.

Knowing the property title vesting profile of a property can smooth the transaction process. Title arrangements should be addressed before borrowers apply for a loan, and owners should know that vesting situations can be changed.

How Can You Use ATTOM’s Vesting Details data?

Distressed Property Owners

Mortgage Lenders

Lenders can understand the vesting context for borrowers and accommodate their preferences in financing options. Working with clients will improve your reputation as a reliable lender.
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Legal Service Providers

ATTOM’s statewide data can clarify client vesting contexts, helping legal providers to better serve clients, whether it is to change a current vesting situation or facilitate a property transfer.
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New Borrowers

Real Estate Agents and Brokers

With ATTOM’s vesting details, real estate professionals can avoid clouds (problems) on title so that transfer of ownership can occur—for example, if a marriage, divorce, or death has occurred.
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