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Real Estate Seller’s Data

Demographics. Motivations. Preferences.

Build Strategies Based on Real Estate Seller’s Data

ATTOM’s real estate seller’s data provides insights into property sales and sellers by demographic, community, zip code, or property type. People sell property for various reasons, and they do so in various ways. Seller data, combined with smart analytics, identifies the emerging patterns and trends among sellers. Use our solutions to analyze at the granular level or zoom out and aggregate for a more holistic view of the sellers in your market.

Understand Seller and Buyer Behavior

ATTOM’s real estate seller data capitalizes on the search, research, and experience of our professionals to deliver unique property data and predictive analytics. Find out how long sellers are keeping their properties on the market, the types of terms they are accepting, and what the future looks likes for sellers and buyers if trends continue. Our data reaches into the minds of sellers so that you can better tailor your services.

  • Seller Demographics

Our data drills down to seller demographics and individual properties. Find out which sellers are upgrading, and which are downsizing. Find out where sellers are moving to and why. Find out whether institutional sellers are investing or divesting.

  • Seller Behavior and Characteristics

Our data reveals trends and patterns in seller behaviors. Find out how sellers are marketing their homes. What services are they using? What incentives are sellers offering? What technology and virtual tools are sellers using?

  • Market Trends

Our real estate seller data indicates the influence of the market on seller behavior. Is a market downturn affecting sellers? Predictive analytics based on our data reflects the effects of market and environmental changes.

How Can You Use ATTOM’s Real Estate Seller’s Data?

Distressed Property Owners


Monitor seller preferences and motivations and develop appealing loan terms for clients. Know what your competition is offering and use our data to fine-tune your offerings. Serve buyers and sellers with faster closings.
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Real Estate Brokers and Agents

Strengthen your negotiations by arming yourself with accurate and timely seller insights. Know what sellers are looking for and be ahead of the game. Understand sellers, close deals, and connect with better marketing.
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Identify hot markets and make informed decisions on where to invest based on real estate analytics from real estate seller data. Identify trends, reduce risk, know when to invest and divest.
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Distressed Property Owners


Real estate marketing companies can use sales trend data to build products for their clients. Marketers can create monthly alerts based on real-time seller’s data to streamline outreach efforts.
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Financial Services


Gain access to the most recent and accurate sales comps to support valuations. Improve appraisal accuracy using our real estate seller data by understanding the value and appeal of locations, schools, and amenities.
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New Borrowers


Serve a more transparent market with data and analytics based on seller characteristics and needs. Accurately assess risk based on real-time transactions, tailor products based on consumer preferences, and market those products productively.
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