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Property Ownership Name Data

Explicit. Unique. Specific.
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Search Private Individuals Based on Owner Types

ATTOM’s Ownership Name Data allows users to conduct a property owner search by ownership name and categorized as either private individuals, companies or corporations, family or corporate trust, or if there is a single owner or multiple owners. This valuable data helps create better solutions for your customers based on a variety of owner details.

Real estate professionals and marketers can use this data to create personalized marketing materials, addressing individual needs and targeting specific owner types to maximize results. Using ATTOM’s extensive property owner name data, you can respond to your target clients’ needs based on their ownership profiles.

Customize Products with ATTOM’s Owner Name Data

Clients appreciate the personal touch. So, understanding what type of client they are—private individuals, family or corporate trust, or a corporation—allows real estate professionals and service providers to deliver more personalized products and services. Whether you are a real estate agent targeting homeowners looking for a quick sale or a lender offering buyers favorable loan terms, being informed is key.

ATTOM’s ownership name data combined with property owner information gives you the power to understand the needs of your targeted property owners. We also save you time. Our ownership data validates property ownership by individuals, partners, trusts, or companies, which is essential for buying, selling, financing, building, and insurance transactions.

How Can You Use ATTOM’s Ownership Name Data?

New Borrowers

Real Estate Investors

Personalize your marketing and turn more leads into sales. Use ATTOM’s property owner information to understand your client market and precisely target certain segments.
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Financial Services


Boost results for your client base by creating messaging at scale but still personalized to suit different customer types and segments.
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Distressed Property Owners


Create tailored loan products for individuals and their needs based on property owner information and ATTOM’s ownership name data.
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Financial Services


Create custom policies using our real property owner name search, and check ATTOM’s property ownership data for additional information that could lower your overall exposure.
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