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ATTOM’s Neighborhood and Residential Subdivision Boundaries

Delineation. Community. Hyperlocal.
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ATTOM’s Neighborhood and Residential Subdivisions for Hyperlocal Search

ATTOM’s Neighborhood and Residential Subdivisions Boundaries data provides a nationwide, hierarchical set of boundaries and names that best reflect the consensus opinion of local residents.

Neighborhood and Residential Subdivisions are small geographic areas comprised of social communities with their own identities, while also having names and boundaries that are familiar to local residents. This makes them the pinnacle of hyperlocal search and superior to zip codes or cities for most use cases. Research has shown that consumers strongly prefer hyperlocal search capabilities. Savvy search portal operators incorporate these boundaries datasets into their platforms.

Meticulously Researched and Digitized

Created specifically for real estate search, our research includes official city and county maps, local tourism and media websites, community master plans, MLS & Realtor websites, HOA websites, developer site plans, assessor legal subdivision data, and satellite imagery. Our GIS Analysts also virtually drive through entire cities in Google Street View to review subdivision and condo signage. Feedback is also provided by local experts from our nationwide network of real estate professionals.

Our GIS Analysts hand-digitize these neighborhood and residential subdivision boundaries, tracing reference layers such as streets, parcel boundaries, and hydrography.

Nationwide coverage is available in the U.S. and Canada and includes hundreds of thousands of boundaries in over 600 metro areas and 10,000 cities and towns.

Neighborhood Hierarchy Supports Many Use Cases

Together, the Neighborhood (levels 1-3) and Residential Subdivision (level 4) datasets provide a hierarchy of unambiguous, non-overlapping boundaries.

Level 1: Macro-neighborhoods

Level 1: Macro-neighborhoods

Macro-Neighborhoods are the largest neighborhood type by size and depict regions, major sections of a city, or large master-planned communities.

Level 2: Neighborhoods

Level 2: Neighborhoods

This level represents the common definition of a city-level neighborhood, typically comprised of a colloquial grouping of streets and commonly referenced by local residents. Level 2 Neighborhoods usually form a complete fabric covering the entire area of an incorporated city.

Level 3: Sub-Neighborhoods

Level 3: Sub-Neighborhoods

Sub-Neighborhoods are smaller, named areas usually found in the core of a city within a larger Level 2 Neighborhood. They are often business, entertainment, arts, or historic districts.

Level 4: Residential Subdivisions

Level 4: Residential Subdivisions

The Residential Subdivisions Product is comprised of boundaries for subdivisions, condominiums, townhome communities, apartment complexes, retirement communities, and other residential housing tracts.

How Can You Use ATTOM’s Neighborhood and Residential Boundaries Data?

Real Estate Portals Icon

Real Estate Portals

Property portals can enable users to target properties in a specific neighborhood or subdivision in real-time using geospatial filtering. The directory of neighborhood and subdivision names can also be added to an auto-suggest omnibox for a more user-friendly search experience.
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Real Estate Brokers Icon

Real Estate Brokers

Real estate professionals can create neighborhood and subdivision landing pages to support search and SEO efforts. Appealing landing pages include the neighborhood and subdivision boundaries and separately available demographics, local schools & ratings, recent property trends, featured listings, and area points of interest.
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Technology and Data Platforms Icon

Technology and Data Platforms

Technology and data platforms can utilize hyperlocal Neighborhood and Residential Subdivision Boundaries data, including demographics, cost of living, climate, crime and property trends data, to offer engaging visualizations and neighborhood comparisons.
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Real Estate Data Platforms Icon

Real Estate Data Platforms

Real estate data platforms can also utilize these boundaries in bulk or via API to tag property records with associated neighborhood and subdivision names, as well as other details, as part of. their batch processes.
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Institutional Investors Icon

Institutional Investors

Institutional investors can better assess risk by analyzing neighborhood and subdivision market trends. Identifying comparable homes in the same neighborhood or subdivision also results in more accurate valuations.
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Marketers Icon


Marketers can use these neighborhood boundaries and separately available demographic and socioeconomic data to develop effective hyperlocal campaigns that boost conversion rates.
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The Benefits of Boundary Data for Your Business Webinar

Get a detailed look into the various boundary data products that ATTOM has to offer, including neighborhoods, residential, and school attendance areas, and the value of presenting content at these meaningful, hyperlocal levels.


High-Level Takeaways Include:

  • Business Case – Learn why neighborhood, residential and school attendance zone boundaries are important to users and how they can drive traffic and increase revenue.
  • Use Cases – See the various ways these boundary products and associated contextual information are used to provide more robust search capabilities and relevant hyperlocal content
  • Advantages – Learn why the accuracy, currentness, and coverage of these unified geospatial boundary products make them the superior choice for your applications.
  • And more…

Featuring: Pete Yunker, SVP of Data Products, ATTOM Data Solutions

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