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Tag: parcel boundaries

A Look at Parcel Boundary Data for the Insurance Industry

A Look at Parcel Boundary Data for the Insurance Industry

When it comes to assessing the risk profile of properties for insurance purposes, having access to reliable, up-to-date parcel boundary data can help support underwriting and lead to more accurate decisions when it comes to pricing. Parcel boundary data can help you get more accurate insights into properties that are in high-risk areas like flood... Read More »
Benefits of Parcel Boundaries Data for Government Agencies

Benefits of Parcel Boundaries Data for Government Agencies

Parcel boundaries data offers you a rich treasure trove of actionable data as a civil servant. Land deeds and surveys, conducted by land surveyors, map out the parcel boundaries that make up the U.S.. Previously, such data was difficult to organize and access. Interested parties had to spend hours poring over poorly-organized files and convoluted... Read More »