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ATTOM’s Neighborhood Data for Seattle, WA

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Upmarket Neighborhoods with Convenient Transit Routes

The most popular neighborhoods in Seattle, WA, include Laurelhurst, Green Lake, Meridian, Lake City, Edgewater Park/Broadmoor, Ballard, Broadway, Fremont, Queen Anne, and Crown Hill.

Seattle’s neighborhood data shows that median real estate prices in urban Laurelhurst are more expensive than 99 percent of the neighborhoods in Washington and 99 percent of the neighborhoods in the United States. Many of the residences in the Laurelhurst neighborhood are older, established, and built between 1940 and 1969.

seattle neighborhood data
San Diego Data
The Laurelhurst neighborhood demographics show a high proportion of residents employed as executives, managers, and professionals. Also, while close to 15 percent of residents work from home, the Laurelhurst neighborhood has amenities for bicycle commuters. For those who prefer to drive, some neighborhoods are within 30 minutes commute time to Seattle.
Real estate trends show that Green Lake is a slightly less exclusive neighborhood, but not by much. Green Lake housing is composed of primarily three, four, or five-bedroom (or more) single-family homes and apartment complexes. As in the rest of the Seattle area, the housing supply in Green Lake is tight. Many people in Green Lake commute to Seattle by bus or by bicycle.
Seattle Data
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Seattle’s weather is temperate. The climate is somewhat Mediterranean. Although it can be cool and wet in the winter, the summers tend to be dry.
The value of a home reflects its location. Crime rates, weather, unemployment rates, race demographics, school ratings, income, transportation, and access routes all factor into a property’s valuation.

ATTOM’s Neighborhood Data for Property Insights

ATTOM’s neighborhood data at the city and zip code levels allows real estate professionals to find the areas that will fit the needs of prospective buyers or investors. The data helps marketers to better match their content with their target audience.

Search neighborhood data according to resident demographics, specific points of interest, and transportation. ATTOM’s neighborhood data for Seattle, WA, includes:

Points of Interest (POI)

Neighborhood highlights for 14 business categories and 120 lines of business.

Group 914
Transportation Noise

Noise scores for roads, highways, airports, railroads, and emergency vehicle stations.


Transit Routes

Local public transportation routes.

Group 1672


Statistics by year including murder rates, robbery, motor vehicle theft, and aggravated assault.

Group 1674

Unemployment Rates

The number of unemployed as a percentage of the labor force.



Historical weather data on meteorological variations and patterns.

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