Harrison County, MO Real Estate & Property Data

Harrison County Real Estate Market Trends
Last Updated: April 29, 2024

With up-to-date real estate data get detailed insight into Harrison County, MO sourced from the nation’s leading property data provider.

Harrison County Real Estate Market Trends
Total Residential Properties 4,839
Total Commercial Properties 387
Avg. Home Age (Single Family Home) 64 Years
Avg. Square Feet (Single Family Home) 1,439
Total 2024 Residential Sales (year-to-date) N/A
% of Homes Seriously Underwater (Q2 2024) 0.02%
Total 2023 Residential Sales N/A
% of Equity Rich Homes (Q2 2024) 5.96%
Effective 2023 Property Tax N/A
Total Foreclosure Filings (year-to-date) N/A
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Harrison County, MO Real Estate Market Overview

Last 30 days
  • City
    Median Est. Value
  • City
    Median Est. Value
  • City
    Median Est. Value

Harrison County, MO Foreclosure Activity

Completed Foreclosures (REOs) i
  • February '24 Feb '24 N/A
  • January '24 Jan '24 1
  • December '23 Dec '23 N/A
  • November '23 Nov '23 N/A
  • October '23 Oct '23 N/A
  • September '23 Sep '23 N/A
  • August '23 Aug '23 N/A
  • July '23 Jul '23 N/A
  • June '23 Jun '23 N/A
  • May '23 May '23 N/A
  • April '23 Apr '23 N/A
  • March '23 Mar '23 N/A
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